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California Residents Take Aim at State for Ignoring Trump's Trans Athletes Sports Ban Order

California residents are protesting and threatening lawsuits against the state for its refusal to follow President Donald Trump's executive order banning trans athletes from girls' and women's sports. The California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) has declined to comply with the order, sparking outrage among those who support LGBTQ+ rights.

California Residents Take Aim at State for Ignoring Trump's Trans Athletes Sports Ban Order

California residents are protesting and threatening lawsuits against the state's education department after it refused to comply with President Donald Trump's executive order banning trans athletes from girls' and women's sports. The California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) made the decision not to follow the ban, prompting outrage from some who claim it undermines the rights of trans students. The protests come as schools in the state are left without clear guidance on how to implement the ban. The CIF's refusal has been met with criticism from some who argue it sets a bad precedent for other states.

california residents protest
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