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Feds Agree to Settle Lawsuit Over 2020 Protester Use of Excessive Force Allegations

A group of racial justice protesters reached a settlement with the federal government in a lawsuit accusing law enforcement agents sent by President Trump of using excessive force during a 2020 protest in Oregon. The terms of the agreement were not disclosed, but it marks an end to the lawsuit filed against the federal government and several law enforcement agencies.

Feds Agree to Settle Lawsuit Over 2020 Protester Use of Excessive Force Allegations

A group of racial justice protesters has settled a lawsuit against the federal government, alleging that law enforcement agents who intervened during protests in 2020 used excessive force to disperse demonstrators and journalists protected by the First Amendment. The settlement, which was reached after several years of litigation, resolves claims made by the plaintiffs that the agents used tactics such as pepper spray, batons and physical restraint. The lawsuit did not specify the identities of any particular law enforcement officers or agencies involved in the incidents. Terms of the settlement were not disclosed.

oregon protesters feds
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