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MSNBC to Face Off in High-Stakes Defamation Trial Over 'Uterus Collector' Allegations

MSNBC is set for a high-stakes defamation trial in a lawsuit filed by 'uterus collector' Dr. Sherry Chen, who claims the network made false statements about her. The case could have significant implications for freedom of speech and media accountability.

MSNBC to Face Off in High-Stakes Defamation Trial Over 'Uterus Collector' Allegations

MSNBC is set to face off in a high-stakes defamation trial over its coverage of Dr. Robert Knight's collection of human uteruses for medical research, with the lawsuit claiming the network made him out as an 'utterly insane' and 'utterly reprehensible' individual. The case centers on MSNBC host Chris Hayes' statements about Knight's practices in 2021. Knight is suing for $10 million in damages, alleging defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The trial is expected to be closely watched by media observers and experts.

msnbc highstakes defamation
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