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Russia says US relations 'on the brink of breakup,' won't confirm Trump-Putin talk

Russia says US relations 'on the brink of a breakup,' won't confirm Trump-Putin talk. Russian President Vladimir Putin's regime suggested relations between Washington, D.C., and Moscow are on 'the brink' of collapse this week.

Russia says US relations 'on the brink of breakup,' won't confirm Trump-Putin talk

Russia says US relations 'on the brink of a breakup,' won't confirm Trump-Putin talk Russian President Vladimir Putin's regime suggested relations between Washington, D.C., and Moscow are on 'the brink' of collapse this week. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov made the comments amid heightened tensions over various issues including Ukraine. The remarks were made without confirming speculation about a potential meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. The US State Department has declined to comment on the possibility of a Trump-Putin meeting, further fueling uncertainty around relations between the two nations.

russia says relations
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