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Sara Haines admits 'View' co-hosts may be out of touch with Trump voters on key issues

Sara Haines says 'The View' co-hosts lack understanding of Americans' views on immigration because none of them voted for Trump. This admission comes amid discussions about their own perspectives and how they relate to the broader electorate.

Sara Haines admits 'View' co-hosts may be out of touch with Trump voters on key issues

Sara Haines admitted on 'The View' that her co-hosts and she are out-of-touch with a significant portion of Americans due to their inability to understand why Trump supporters may view immigration differently than they do. The hosts acknowledged that none of them voted for Donald Trump in the past, implying they lack a genuine understanding of conservative views on the topic. Haines expressed frustration with the fact that many viewers share differing opinions on immigration without being represented on the show. This admission highlights a perceived divide between liberal co-hosts and their conservative-leaning audience.

sara haines admits
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